Bids are hereby invited through Open Advertised Bidding (ONB) from bona fide Namibian competent bidders to submit their best bids as follows:
Bid Reference Number: G/ONB/RTC-23/2024
Project Title: Supply, and delivery of SPLIT-TYPE Pre-payment meters (1 Phase and 3 Phase) and Ancillary Materials for Rehoboth Town Council.
Levy: N$500.00 (non-refundable) is payable in advance, at the Cashier, which is located on the Ground Floor, Finance Building, RTC (Cashier office hours: 08h00 – 13h00 and 14h00 – 16h00, Mondays – Fridays for each bidding document). The original receipt (proof of payment) should be attached to the bidding document.
Closing Date of submission: Monday, 21 February 2025 @ 12h00 AM