Rehoboth Town CouncilRehoboth Town CouncilRehoboth Town Council
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About Us

About us

The Town of Rehoboth

The name Rehoboth is derived from the biblical town Rechowot (Israel). The town is situated in central Namibia just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. Located 90 kilometers south of the Namibian capital Windhoek, Rehoboth lies on a high elevation plateau with several natural hot-water springs.


A vibrant, prosperous and unique town in its presentation and image.


To render quality, affordable and sustainable services through optimal use of available resources in order to improve living standers for all Rehoboth residents and its visitors.
Our Team

Individuals behind Rehoboth Town Council

1 +
Estimated Population
1 +
Registered Businesses
1 %
Unemployment Rate

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