Rehoboth Town CouncilRehoboth Town CouncilRehoboth Town Council
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Rehoboth Townland- Communal land that is aimed to accommodate Small Scale Farmers and Agricultural farmers.

How to apply (Grazing & Agriculture plots):

  1. Write a letter to the Chief Executive Officer requesting to be granted the right to lease.
  2. Indicate your intentions clearly.

Application Approval Workflow

1. Applicant Stage

Draft the application explicitly expressing the request or intention.

Submit the application to the Office of the CEO.

2. Administration Stage

Issue an acknowledgment letter to the applicant.

Submit the application to the Administrative Management Meeting for review.

3. Management Stage

Determine if the application is recommended:

If Not Recommended:

Notify the applicant in writing of the decision.

If Recommended:

Submit the application to the Management Committee for further evaluation.

4. Council Stage

If approved by the Management Committee, submit the application to the Council.

Determine if the Council approves the application:

If Not Approved:

Notify the applicant in writing of the decision.

If Approved:

Proceed to ministerial approval.

5. Ministerial Approval Stage

Request for ministerial approval.

If ministerial approval is granted, proceed to the lease agreement stage.

6. Lease Agreement Stage

Finalize and issue the lease agreement to the applicant.

Townlands rates:
All the rates and penalties can be found in the Government Gazette of 1st October 2024, see link below:

Moratorium on grazing land and small holder plots.

The Rehoboth Town Council would like to inform the residents of Rehoboth and the general public that during the Ordinary Council Meeting of the 3rd June 2024 vide Council Resolution RTC08/03/06/2024/3rd OCM the Council resolved to place a moratorium on new applications for grazing and smallholder farming effective 1st March 2024.
With this the Council is not be receiving new applications until the application period has been announced. The moratorium does not apply to special development projects.

Wood harvesting

The Rehoboth Town Council has observed unauthorized wood collection within the townlands. We wish to remind all residents and businesses of the following regulations in accordance with Council Resolution RTC08/23/11/2020/10thODCM:

Wood Collection Permissions:
• Only tenants within the camps are permitted to collect dry wood on their respective camps.
• Families requiring wood for funeral purpose may apply to the Council for special consideration.

Prohibition on Unauthorized Wood Collection:
• Residents and businesses collecting wood without the consent form the Council and the permit from Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform are in violation of the Council Resolution and will be fined as per the Rehoboth Town Council’s gazetted tariff.

Animal controls

All tenants residing on the townlands are hereby reminded to ensure that their livestock is confined within the designated boundaries of their allocated camps. This measure is essential to prevent animals from roaming on the roads and town, as such incidents may pose risks to road users and damage properties. Non-compliance with this directive will result in the imposition of penalties.

Contacts details

Administration enquiry
Office: (062) 521830

For animal control, sand mining, wood collection and field operations.
Mr. Frans Hakskeen 0817004600
Mr. Benjamin Dax 0816764646


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